Title: Exploring Immersive Storytelling for Digitally-Enhanced Co-creative Practices
Supervision Team: Gareth W. Young, TCD / Sam Redfern, UoG
Description: The project “Exploring Immersive Storytelling for Enhanced Co-creative Practices” investigates integrating immersive extended reality (XR) technologies (VR, AR, spatial computing, etc.) with co-creative processes. It aims to develop a theoretical framework and innovative methodologies to enhance collaboration through immersive storytelling. By leveraging digital platforms, the project seeks to create real-time, interactive experiences that engage participants more profoundly and foster creativity. Practical applications in medicine, education, entertainment, and collaborative work environments will be explored, demonstrating the potential for immersive storytelling to transform co-creative practices. This research aligns with the d-real initiative’s goals by advancing digital media research, developing cutting-edge digital platforms, and applying findings to diverse domains, thus contributing to interdisciplinary collaboration and technological advancement.