Xiangpeng Fu
Title: Interfacing the Real and the Virtual using Mixed Reality and Projection Mapping
Supervision Team: Mads Haahr, TCD / Cathy Ennis, TU Dublin
Description: This project hypothesises that combining MR with projection mapping can offer considerable improvements in closely synchronised real and virtual environments to the benefit of new types UI affordances and new applications. Most current MR research is concerned with mapping events and actions from the real to the virtual, but through the use of projection mapping, a convincing mapping can be made also from the virtual to the real. Research questions: How can real and virtual environments be constructed and programmed using MR and projection mapping in tandem? What are the most suitable UI affordances for the resulting hybrid environments, and how is the user experience best evaluated? What are the best application domains for such environments? The questions will be explored through literature review, design and development of a prototype and user study. Possible application domains include industrial applications, cultural heritage, museum exhibits, art installations, training/education, health/wellbeing and the Metaverse.