Prasanjit Dey
Title: Monitoring and Short-term Forecasting of Atmospheric Air Pollutants Using Deep Neural Networks
Supervision Team: Bianca Schoen-Phelan, TU Dublin/ Soumyabrata Dev, UCD
Description: Air pollution is a persistent problem in most of the world’s cities. It has a significant negative influence on citizen health and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to continuously monitor the pollution concentrations and provide short-term forecasts. Historically, this forecasting has been done quite poorly; traditional statistical forecasting methods are unreliable for short-term predictions. Most models are statistical and are limited in range of forecast time and effectiveness. The goal of this PhD project is to create an intelligence system that uses a combination of computer vision and deep learning technologies to identify, monitor, and forecast air pollution in real time, as well as provide residents with an early warning system. This PhD project will also assess the key meteorological variables that affect atmospheric air pollutant concentrations and examine the forecasting model’s effectiveness for the island of Ireland, particularly for the Dublin metropolitan area.