Gearóid Reilly
Title: A Multi-User VR Recreational Space for People with Dementia
Supervision Team: Sam Redfern, UoG / Gabriel-Miro Muntean, DCU / Attracta Brennan, UoG
Description: Dementia is one of the greatest societal and economic health challenges of the 21st century, and a number of research initiatives have proven the usefulness of VR as a therapy tool. Although removing social isolation and supporting re-connection with friends and family are central to improving outcomes for people with dementia, networked VR-based therapy technologies with an emphasis on social activity have not previously been studied. This project will create a multi-user VR space where socialization and social performance are supported. The VR space will be immersive, activity-based and facilitate multi-user interactions enabling the person to engage with a professional therapist, or their friends and family, without the logistical difficulties of physical travel. A number of interactive scenarios will be deployed and validated through user studies. Supervision is by a cross-disciplinary team of computer scientists and nurses.