Anastasiia Potiagalova

Anastasiia Potiagalova

Title: Conversational Search of Image and Video with Augmented Labeling

Supervision Team: Gareth Jones, DCU / Benjamin Cowan, UCD

Description: The growth of media archives (including text, speech, video and audio) has led to significant interest in the development of search methods for multimedia content. A significant and rapidly expanding new area of search technology research in recent years has been conversational search (CS). In CS users engage in a dialogue with an agent which supports their search activities, with the objective of enabling them to find useful content more easily, quickly and reliably. To date, CS research has focused on text archives; this project is the first to explore CS methods for multimedia archives. An important challenge within multimedia search is formation of queries to identify relevant content. This project will seek to address this challenge by exploring the use of technologies from augmented reality to dynamically label images and video displayed within the search process, to assist users in forming more effective queries using a dialogue-based search framework.