Aisling Flynn
Title: A VR social connecting space for improved quality of life of persons with dementia
Supervision Team: Dympna Casey, UoG / Marguerite Barry, UCD / Attracta Brennan, UoG / Sam Redfern, UoG
Description: Reminiscence and music are two key strategies used to promote social connectedness and reduce loneliness. Listening to and sharing music and recalling events from the past connect the person with dementia again to the present enabling them to converse, interact and socialize. This research will create a set of meaningful multi-user VR spaces for people with dementia focused on providing opportunities to reminisce and to engage in music-based activities. VR design skills will mix with user-centric design and public and patient involvement (PPI) to deliver an effective set of meaningful VR experiences that can be widely deployed to benefit persons living with dementia.