Michela Lorandi
Title: Using Disentangled Language Learning for Stylistically and Semantically Controllable Language Generation
Supervision Team: Anya Belz, DCU / Sarah Jane Delany, TU Dublin
Description: Smart garments provide a natural way of sensing physiological signals and body movements of the wearer. Such technology can provide a comfortable, user friendly interface for digital interaction. This project aims to use smart garments for gesture and movement detection to enhance user interaction within augmented and virtual reality systems. Applications for this research include home-based rehabilitation systems for recovery from stroke, traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injuries. The goal will be to improve adherence by making exercise programs more engaging for the user while at the same time gathering valuable information for therapists regarding the user’s performance and recovery over time. The novel combination of smart garments with AR/VR environments will promote a greater level of immersion into the virtual world beyond conventional controls and create a novel approach to human machine interfacing which is user focused.